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Micromuni Online

Micromuni Online is a suite of financial analysis tools accessible via your web browser.  These tools simplify your municipal bond calculations and reporting by storing everything for you in the cloud.

Micromuni Online for:

  • Desktop or Laptop Computers (PCs or Mac)
  • Tables or Smart Phones (Android or iOS)

Micromuni Online includes:

  • Micromuni Debt
  • Micromuni Refund
  • Micromuni Sizing


Micromuni Debt

Micromuni Debt is a debt structuring web based application designed to assist municipal underwriters, financial advisors, and state and local governments in evaluating the debt service repayments of one or more municipal bond issues. A variety of Bond Solutions are available (e.g. Level Debt Service, Accelerated Repayment) for structuring the debt service repayments of a municipal bond issue or principal repayments can be entered and Micromuni Debt will calculate the periodic interest.

Micromuni Refund

MICRO-MUNI REFUND is a highly flexible software tool designed to assist bond
underwriters and financial consultants in determining a portfolio of securities that will
generate sufficient revenues to defease a set of escrow cash requirements. It is particularly
valuable in determining the securities necessary for advanced refundings of municipal bond

Through MICRO-MUNI REFUND, you establish a set of escrow cash requirements that can
consist of any valid dates and amounts, and you can structure or verify a portfolio of securities
for the escrow. The total portfolio can even be a mix of securities with different day/year
bases, such as Actual/Actual, 30/360, and Actual/360.

Micromuni Sizing

Micromuni Sizing provides flexibility when structuring a bond issue. All or some of the funds can be used to determine the correct bond size. After solving for the bond size and maturity amounts, Micromuni Sizing will display a sources and uses of funds report displaying how the bond proceeds are used. The Capitalized Interest Fund and the Construction Fund can be Net or Gross Funded.

Micromuni Sizing can also be used verify calculations of project financings. Bond Sizes can be fixed by which Micromuni Sizing can back into the Net Amount of funds available for the project.

Micromuni Sizing is a very flexible and friendly application that has a multitude of uses, including Advanced Refundings.

Micromuni desktop application software calculations have been verified by major rating agencies, accounting firms, and bond counsels.

Ease of use and online all the time make Micromuni Online a must for any investment banker, financial advisor, bond counsel, accounting verifications and state and local governments.