Micromuni Debt
Micromuni Debt is a debt structuring web based application for evaluating the debt service repayments of one or more municipal bond issues. Multiple Bond Solutions are available for structuring the debt service repayments.
A Brief Look at Micromuni Debt
A Brief Look at Micromuni Debt
Micromuni Refund
Micromuni Refund is used to determine a portfolio of securities that will provide revenue to defease escrow cash requirements.
Portfolios can even be a mix of securities with different day/year bases, such as Actual/Actual, 30/360, and Actual/360.
Micromuni Sizing
Micromuni Sizing is used to determine a bond issue size based on funding various accounts and sources and uses of funds. Capitalized Interest Fund and the Construction Fund can be Net or Gross Funded.
Micromuni Sizing has a multitude of uses, including Advanced Refinancing of bond issues.
Interested in Micromuni Online?
Micromuni desktop application software calculations have been verified by major rating agencies, accounting firms, and bond counsels.